Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Birthday

to me LOL

Feeling a bit old today and not due to the years. I sprained (at least I hope that's all!) my right elbow Saturday. Being right handed makes this injury a bit of a challenge LOL but hey I'm typing, if by the hunt and peck method with my left hand. What happened you ask...

Well, Saturday we were attempting to get a GoodWill donation put together. (Mark has told the boys that as soon as they get their rooms in order he will paint the rooms. Alex got started on the project Friday and as a reward got to spend the night at a friend's.) The boys were suppose to go through their rooms and gather the toys and stuffed animals they no longer play with. As par for the Meyer boy course, Cam had disappeared from the project and Ian was more interested in hiding food than helping. I had gone into Cam and Ian's room to get Ian's latest stash when I stepped on a toy (hidden under a pile of clothes that were probably clean but on the floor due to the ever growing laziness of the oldest child) and went flying forward to land hard on the floor and yet another pile of clothes and hidden toys. Not how I planned to spend the rest of the weekend LOL I'm giving this till Wednesday to show improvement if not I'll go in to make sure nothing is broken. Do any of the kids feel guilty? Apparently not as it's still a battle to get anything done!

Today's 2Peas Challenge~ Does the weather have any impact on your desire to create? If so is there a season that makes you feel more crafty?

If I had been able to go to crops more in Oregon I likely would have gaged things by the wet weather, a fact that doesn't really come in to play in Vegas. When Mark traveled, I tended to be more crafty while he was gone...I could scrap as late as I wanted without feeling guilty. These days I find I want to scrap more during the school year but have less time to do it LOL On the plus side, with Mark being home more I can go to crops more but even then the 110 plus degree weather in the summer will likely have an impact! I guess the weather by itself doesn't impact my creativity.

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