Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WiP Wednesday

I'm revising the story I finished in November for NaNo.  I've dealt with character and plot holes (I hope), sketched out scenes I knew were missing plus a few more that are part of an idea that hit me in December after I'd set the story aside to rest a bit.  I'm excited to be working on this again. 
  • Goal is to get Let Me Be Your Prince revised and off to Jewels for that first read -- aiming  for March 23rd.
:whew: Scary putting a date on that!

To be accountable, the mini-goals within that larger one are:
  1. Act One by March 2nd -- As of last night, this is currently sitting at 14,766 which is thinner than I was hoping for but I'm calling this first pass done.
  2. Act Two part One by March 9th
  3. Act Two part Two by March 16th
  4. Act Three by March 23rd
I'm aiming for 15,000 to 18,000 words per finished section for a finished draft of 60,000 to 72,000 words.


Maria Zannini said...

Deadlines are good. It keeps me honest. :)

Sherri said...

Maybe :) I tend to want to procrastinate, LOL

I joined Procrastinators Anonymous but they postponed the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Sigh... I wish I had your energy. I've been faithfully working on my story every day since January - and at 20,000 words, I'm still behind...

Sherri said...

Energy? :snort: I don't know about that George.

I'm kinda OCD about this one, really like the characters and story and want to get it off to BFF. (She's more cheerleader than anything else but she's my first reader or whatever Steven King calls the person you write for.)