A little last minute play with Daniel Thursday afternoon. Daniel falls between Alex and Ian in age so was a good playmate during our visit.

The final load of the truck. Umm, boys, we need to put the wagon in now.

Somewhere between Susanville CA and Reno NV.
The return trip was a bit more challenging than the trip up. For one thing, the boys were awake and therefore complained a lot more. Because the return trip was during the day we hit two construction areas that slowed us down considerably. And the weather was against us. From about where we picked up 89 toward Reno we were showered with everything from rain to rain mixed with snow to out and out snow. We also hit a fair amount of snow around Tonopah (according to the news Saturday morning they received 6 inches over night).
We arrived home at 2 am on Saturday morning...think the boys let us sleep until 7.

Paul (Logan's dad) helped us unload then played some soccer with the boys.
It was a great vacation. It's wonderful to have all of our things out of storage even if we don't know where everything will end in the house.
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