This is a photo of me and Julie from yesterday afternoon just before my parents took me to the airport.

The really sad thing is we've known each other for about 30 years and been friends for 26 or 27 of those years...the photos we took yesterday are the first ones I'm aware of the two of us together. Pathetic LOL
I arrived Saturday...left messages for Julie as soon as I got settled at my parents house. Dad talked me into loading his train videos on You Tube while I waited for Julie to call me back (you can see them a couple posts down). I went over to Julie's parents' house...was welcomed by every one of Julie's siblings (and she's got five LOL), a couple aunts, a host of in-laws, nieces and nephews -- every last one couldn't believe I'd flown up for Julie. Then we hit the road -- Julie hadn't left the house since arriving there the night before Vern passed away -- it was a normal afternoon for us and contained chocolate LOL and more than a few tears.
Sunday was the funeral. Vern was a well loved and respected member of the community. He was laid to rest with full military honors (despite the typo in the program LOL).
Monday, Julie and I spent the day together. We ate -- must include food in our outings -- saw Mamma Mia! which was good for a fun and crazy laugh and let's just say Pierce Brosnan shouldn't quit his day job LOL
Tuesday, so not enough time. I had breakfast with my sister -- I'd promised back in July that we'd go to coffee the next time we were in the same state! Afterwards I drove by the cemetery to say good-bye to Vern...someone had drawn a heart in the dirt and written Vern + Patty inside the heart. I then went over to pick up Julie and we hit a book store -- huge shared passion of ours -- and sat in Starbucks with coffee to read and talk for a bit. All too soon it was time for me to head to the airport to fly home.
Today I'm back to my usual day of getting kids off to school on time, changing diapers, and wondering what the heck I'm going to do for dinner.
Life continues.
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