Saturday, November 17, 2007

Grown up time


Yesterday I got together with an online acquaintance for a bit of shopping and a lot of chatting. Loved it. I felt like I connected with her and hope it will develop into a friendship. It's funny because I met her sister through 2Peas first. Lynn gave me a local store recommendation that came from Tracy. Then Tracy and I connected up through 2Peas. Good stuff!

I joined a Meet-Up (which may be changing to Yahoo) group mid-October but today I actually got to an event. It was just a small group of ladies. I got to visit and finish up my Christmas cards and learned a couple new techniques. I hope to go out to more events in the future...I'll be hosting the group at our house in December and am excited to do so. While I think I'll always prefer to do most of my scrapping at home I can see myself getting out once or twice a month with the group and that's good for the sanity.

I'm toying with the idea of getting involved with a scrapbook related company to try and bring in some extra dollars not to mention getting out of the house and maybe supporting my habit LOL The Meet-Up group seems to be a great place to start networking so even though I know very few people in Vegas I have the potential to connect up that I've not felt with some of the other home businesses I've tried. At today's event there where 3 maybe 4 companies represented and an event I'm thinking about attending in December will have others. I'm going to let it continue to rattle around in my head till after the holidays and make choice then. I mentioned it to Mark this morning and had him read the info on the web-site...hopefully we can talk about it tonight after the boys are in bed. (I'm going to bring out the Melaleuca when the ladies are here at the house...not to push but to see how receptive they are to it.)

And pathetic me didn't take a single picture! LOL what kind of scrapbooker am I?!

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