Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WiP Wednesday

Where's your novel at?

Day 10 -- Managed 857 words in a Dark & Early session.  Still behind but I spent a bit of time working out what I need to focus on so tomorrow should go smoother.

Day 11 -- Wrote a good chunk of the day off and on and got 1991 words.  Still behind by about 970 words behind but better than yesterday :)

Day 12 -- The day got completely away from me.  I have no idea where it went, LOL.  No words today.

Day 13 -- Another no word day.

Day 14 -- And I'm really behind now.  No words today.

Day 15 -- I'm having a hard time getting back in the groove.  Another day of no words.

Day 16 -- No words again today.  I'm so behind, I haven't even visited the NaNo site.  I have a conference tomorrow afternoon at the school so I don't have a lot of hope for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I actually hammered out 3000 words in the last two days. But don't ask about the rest of the month. Pretty bleak, writing wise. You are not alone. :-)

Sherri said...

LOL Liz, thanks!