Monday, March 30, 2009

Safe and Sound

We arrived safe and sound Saturday afternoon...about 2 hours later than planned, but what the hey, we're here.

The balance of Saturday was spent unwinding from the drive.

Sunday, was a lazy day. Sleeping in...kinda, having breakfast mid-morning, and general catching up with my parents (whose house we've invaded for the duration). We went to Mark's parents' for dinner and spent the evening catching up with them.

Today, Mark and I went out to the storage shed to evaluate what's left. Made a dump and Goodwill run. Then Mark treated me to lunch at a place we always meant to try before The Move Part I.

Nephew, Ryan, has a birthday coming up this week and it'll be nice to actually be here for the event. We have plans to connect up with my sister's family, Mark's brother's family, and a few friends while here before getting down to the business of The Move Part II. Right now, I'm just soaking in the change of place though I could use some warmer weather LOL I guess I've been in Vegas too long!

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