Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WiP Wednesday

That wasn't.

Cross-stitching goals for 2011:
  1. Finish the angel -- I haven't been doing much cross-stitching the last few weeks so don't have an updated picture.
  2. Find and purchase a stocking pattern for Robbie (I'm giving myself a due date of February 1st for this) -- Well, Robbie has chosen the pattern he wants but I haven't actually bought it yet.  Bad Mom!
  3. Finish said stocking in time for Christmas -- which will likely move #1 down the line in priority
  4. And if, miracles of miracles, I finish both those projects to start on Mark's stocking -- which is purely selfish as it puts me that much closer to working on my stocking, LOL
Writing goals for 2011:
  1. Figure them out, LOL, seriously.  I want to work on my writing.  The fab-tab-ulous Joely Sue Burkhart is kicking my butt out of bed for Dark & Early writing 4 or 5 mornings a week.  And D&E is definitely a step in the right direction if I can get my act together to take full advantage of it.


Charlene said...

Gee, Sherri, your old mother-in-law is usually up around 5:30
AM so that I can get in a couple hours of quiet reading time. Guess I will have to start sending you wake up emails, or maybe I should really be mean & use the old telephone, but that would wake everybody up. Perhaps I'd better stick with the emails.
See you in the AM!!!
Luv u

Maria Zannini said...

If you're not careful, I'll start kicking you too. LOL.

I'll cut you some slack though. You got kids, a bunch of 'em. That's a full plate for any woman.

Sherri said...

LOL Mom. I've been working on getting up just a little bit earlier each morning. And don't call me! I already have 4 alarm clocks -- gee whiz boys you ALL don't have to get up with Cam!

Sherri said...

:ducks: I bet your kicks HURT Maria, LOL