Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A-B Honor Roll

Neither Mark nor I were able to make it Monday to Alex's Honor Roll assembly so he took his camera. The student teacher managed to capture a short video...can't figure out yet how to get it off the camera safely...and a couple pictures.

We're SO proud of you Alex! That's two trimesters in a row on honor roll. Awesome job, kiddo. How about three for three?


marilyn said...

Congratulations, Alex.

We're very proud of you.

Keep up the good work.

Grandma & Grandpa

Charlene said...

WOW, ALEX, THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Papa & I are so proud of you. It won't be long & school will be out so let's keep up the great work & then you will end up being on the Honor Roll for the whole school year. I know you can do it.

Nana & Papa